„Biti pisac (u) dve kulture, dvojstvo je koje traži izuzetnost. Književnost takvih dualizama često pripada obema, a istovremeno je u svojevrsnom limbu. Sonja Besford iz njih stvara novi amalgam hitre radnje i mudrih misli, ali i postavlja zamke prividnog žanra evropske modernosti i balkanske, ali i svetske, mistike ukorenjene u folklor i pagansko. Rezultat je sasvim osoben: Setov zavet je knjiga o ljubavi, o seksu oslobođenom u jeziku, o stvarnosti koja živi svoj život neuhvatljivih duhova i nepoznatih sila.
Setov zavet je neobičan i važan, nov, iskošeni dodatak srpskoj književnosti.“
Vladislav Bajac
„Within the context of contemporary Serbian fiction, Sonja Besford’s novel, Set Away, is truly exceptional: a full-fledged thriller thoroughly permeated with love and crime, it obeys the rules of the genre while bending it at the same time. With meticulous dynamics of narration, the author gradually speeds up the rhythm of impressively movie-like sequences, which only increases dramatic tension to its powerful climax. Seen in this perspective, we could easily claim that this novel is a true page-turner. The reader eagerly goes through the pages carried by the energy and the mystery of the plot. On the other hand, Set Away is replete with cultural references, with an in-depth characterization of psychologically well-rounded protagonists, as well as with very precise language and immaculate style. In the center of the story there is the primeval, archetypal quest for identity. The readers, just like the novel’smain protagonist, are on the path of self-knowledge which the author wisely leaves open even after the thriller phase of the story is finished. Using the energy and the appeal of the genre, Sonja Besford has written a novel which undoubtedly belongs to the high literature with its powerful interpretative potential and a wide scope of possible meanings. The eagerness of the reader to finish it without a delay is just another, by no means insignificant compliment to the author’s skill."
Ivan Radosavljević
U kontekstu savremene srpske proze, Setov zavet Sonje Besford je sasvim izuzetan roman: punokrvni ljubavno-kriminalistički triler koji istovremeno poštuje zakonitosti žanra i prevazilazi njegova ograničenja. U toj perspektivi, sasvim je primereno opisati ovaj roman engleskim terminom page-turner: čitalac nestrpljivo hita sa stranice na stranicu, ponesen energijom i misterijom zapleta. S druge strane, Setov zavet odlikuje se bogatstvom kulturnih referenci, reljefnom i životno uverljivom psihologijom likova, te preciznim i istančanim jezikom i stilom. Sonja Besford je napisala roman koji širinom obuhvaćenih značenja i interpretativnog prostora nedvosmisleno pripada visokoj književnosti. To što se čita s apetitom i hitnjom koja ne dozvoljava odlaganje, samo je dodatni, nimalo beznačajan kompliment autorkinom literarnom majstorstvu.
Ivan Radosavljević